Sekarang saya akan mencoba mengajak anda untuk Root Sony Xperia J.
Sebenarnya banyak sekali pertanyaan apa sih root itu, sedikit saya jelaskan bahwa root itu intinya supaya
kita dapat mengutak atik jantung dari androidnya itu sendiri supaya :
1. Kita bisa mengotak-atik sistem nya
2. Memindah aplikasi internal di eksternal
3. Mengurangi kinerja RAM HH kamu
oke langsung saja ke TKP
- Root ini bisa dilakukan di HH baik itu UNLOCKED ataupu LOCK bootloader'nya
- Sebaiknya Update dulu Firmware HH kamu
ada 2 cara : 1. Pake WiFi, trus Setting-> update sofwtare
2. Flash Stock Firmware 11.2.A.0.21/31 (dalam proses upload)
- pastikan USB Debugging ON (pada developer setting, pilih ON dan centang opsi ini)
- pastikan centang Allow Non Market Application (dari menu setting -> Security)
Peralatan :
Root untuk Xperia J, download disini
Langkah - langkah :
1. Setelah download Root For Xperia J tadi, extract aja pake winrar
2. Lalu, Connect kan Xperia J kamu ke PC
3. Dari hasil extract tadi, pilih file yang bernama runme_win.bat
4. Baca dan ikuti instruksi dari cmd tersebut
5. REBOOT HH kamu setelah proses ini selesai
---------------------------------------------------------------Easy Rooting toolkit (v17.0)
created by DooMLoRD
"pref_event exploit"
Credits go to all those involved in making this possible!
Special thanks to: the_laser, Bin4ry, fi01, hiikezoe, [NUT]
and to all those who are contributing to our git tree!
[*] This script will:
(1) root ur device using the pref_event exploit
(2) install Busybox
(3) install SU files
[*] Before u begin:
(1) make sure u have installed adb drivers for ur device
(2) enable "USB DEBUGGING"
from (Menu\Settings\Developer Options)
(3) enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES"
from (Menu\Settings\Security)
(4) connect USB cable to PHONE and then connect to PC
(5) skip "PC Companion Software" prompt on device
Press any key to continue . . .
--- STARTING ----
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
--- creating temporary directory
mkdir failed for tmp, File exists
--- cleaning
rm failed for *, No such file or directory
--- pushing files
159 KB/s (326 bytes in 0.002s)
513 KB/s (1578 bytes in 0.003s)
2137 KB/s (26268 bytes in 0.012s)
2776 KB/s (853044 bytes in 0.300s)
2764 KB/s (96260 bytes in 0.034s)
4239 KB/s (1858064 bytes in 0.428s)
--- DooMing device!
--- Correcting permissions
--- Running exploit
run_root_shell v6.2
Based on pref_event exploit
Modified for auto-rooting by DooMLoRD
Part of Easy Rooting Toolkit
Devices Supported:
Xperia Z (C6602/3) - 10.1.1.A.1.253/307
Xperia Z (C6602/3) - 10.3.A.0.423
Xperia Z (C6606) - 10.1.1.B.0.166
Xperia ZL (C6502/3/6) - 10.3.A.0.423
Tablet Z (SGP321) - 10.1.1.A.1.307
Tablet Z (SGP311/2) - 10.1.C.0.370
Xperia ZR (C5502/3/M36h) - 10.1.1.A.1.310
Xperia SP (C5302/3/6) - 12.0.A.1.211/257/284
Xperia L (C2104/5) - 15.0.A.1.31/36
Xperia T (LT30p) - 9.1.A.1.141/142
Xperia TX (LT29i) - 9.1.B.1.67
Xperia V (LT25i) - 9.1.A.1.140/142/145
Xperia S (LT26i) - 6.2.B.0.200/211
Xperia SL (LT26ii) - 6.2.B.0.211
Xperia Acro S (LT26w) - 6.2.B.0.200/211
Xperia Ion (LT28h) - 6.2.B.0.211
Xperia P (LT22i) - 6.2.A.1.100
Xperia Go (ST27i/a) - 6.2.A.1.100
Xperia J (ST26i/a) - 11.2.A.0.21/31
Xperia AX (SO-01E) - 10.1.D.0.343
Tablet Z (SO-03E) - 10.1.E.0.265/269
Xperia GX (SO-04D) - 7.0.D.1.137
Xperia A (SO-04E) - 10.1.1.D.0.179
Xperia A (SO-04E) - 10.1.1.D.2.26
Xperia SX (SO-05D) - 7.0.D.1.137
Xperia SX (SO-05D) - 9.1.C.0.475
Xperia VL (SOL21) - 9.0.F.0.226
Xperia VL (SOL21) - 9.1.D.0.395/401
Xperia UL (SOL22) - 10.2.F.3.43
Google Nexus 4 - JDQ39
Google Nexus - JOP40C/JZO54K
LG Optimus G E975 - v10e
Changelog is posted here:
Device detected: ST26i (11.2.A.0.31)
Attempt perf_swevent exploit...
writing address is 8e49
Launching auto-root script!
Launching final rooting process...
--- Rooting!
--- Remounting rootfs
--- Killing RIC service (specific for new Xperia devices)
Unable to chmod /system/bin/ric: No such file or directory
Unable to chmod /sbin/ric: No such file or directory
--- Installing busybox
--- Remounting /system
--- copying busybox to /system/xbin/
1666+1 records in
1666+1 records out
853044 bytes transferred in 0.058 secs (14707655 bytes/sec)
--- correcting ownership
--- correcting permissions
--- installing busybox
--- pushing SU binary
rm failed for /system/xbin/su, No such file or directory
188+1 records in
188+1 records out
96260 bytes transferred in 0.004 secs (24065000 bytes/sec)
--- correcting ownership
--- correcting permissions
--- correcting symlinks
rm failed for /system/bin/su, No such file or directory
--- pushing Superuser app
3629+1 records in
3629+1 records out
1858064 bytes transferred in 0.134 secs (13866149 bytes/sec)
--- correcting permissions
--- DONE!
--- cleaning
--- Please wait device is now rebooting
Press any key to continue . . .
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